Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Busy Afternoon

A busy afternoon followed the sighting call! Email snippets between Nadene and Terri tell some of the story:

Nadene: I have called the firefighter, Sally, and she said that the dog was seen yesterday at their location at 8am, then later at 6pm. She put out a sweet roll and 1/2 of it was eaten. She said that he was seen last at 6:30 am this morning. She is not there now but is calling the Firehouse (8914 Little River Turnpike) and asking her co-workers to put out some hot smelly food and will put up a feeding station for us. I explained that no one is to chase him etc.

Nadene: I just talked with Billy, the firefighter that saw Brandon while talking with Linda today. They have put a feeding station out in the back of the fire station next to the grill. I spent a few minutes explaining the importance of not chasing him or looking directly at him. I gave him all the numbers to call if he sees him. He said the dog came from the direction of the Lutheran church, and ran between him and Linda towards the Jewish Community Center. I am calling the church and the Jewish community center now.

Terri: I just talked to Linda who is over there flyering and stopping in the businesses, i.e., cleaners, 7-11 etc with flyers. She just went into the Jewish Community Center and a woman handed her Brandon's collar. Linda is waiting for the guard to come from downstairs to find out about the collar. I am worried sick!!!

Terri: According to the guard, the collar was turned in this morning by someone. This was before Linda saw him today around 1:00 pm. So he is now without his collar!

Terri: Linda finished flyering some neighborhoods in the area and went back by the church....and there was Brandon in the front driveway of the Firehouse. So close....but yet so far! Hoping that Phil gets there soon! This was about 3:15 p.m.

Terri: He was sitting in the front oustide the bay big door. Sounds like Brandon is going between the church and the fire department. Phil is supposed to be heading over soon. Linda was going to call him and encourage him to get over there....she was going to wait for him to show him exactly where the dog has been running around.

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